Mathematical Sciences

Departmental Weekly Events

March 24 – March 28, 2025




Monday, March 24

  • Algebra Seminar, "Non-Noetherian Cohen-Macaulayness in Directed Unions of Power Series Rings". Richard Sayanagi, NMSU. 12:30PM – 1:30PM. SH 235 and Zoom Link:

Abstract: Power series rings over non-Noetherian rings can exhibit unexpected behavior, like possessing an infinite chain of prime ideals even when the base ring is local and 0-dimensional. We discuss a construction of directed unions of power series rings over non-Noetherian 0-dimensional rings that have properties seen in Noetherian Cohen-Macaulay rings, such as Krull's height theorem for finitely generated ideals and the unmixedness theorem. We make connections to several different notions of non-Noetherian Cohen-Macaulayness in the literature.



Tuesday, March 25

  • No Events



Wednesday, March 26

  • No Events



Tuesday, March 25

  • Probability Seminar for Graduate Students, Adina Oprisan. 4:00PM – 5:00PM. SH 235.



Friday, March 28

  • Analysis Seminar, "The Noncommutative Choquet Boundary and Approximation Theory". Ian Thompson, University of Copenhagen. 10:30AM – 11:30AM. Zoom ONLY. Link:

Abstract:  I’ll present on recent work extending a classification of principal actions on topological graphs to topological quivers, and dynamics on the associated operator algebras.

  • Colloquium, "Thermal Capacity and Hausdorff Dimension Results for Brownian Motion and Related Processes". Yimin Xiao, Michigan State University. 12:00PM refreshments | 12:30PM – 1:20PM. SH 107 and Zoom. Link:

Abstract: The A Priori Procedure (APP) aims to determine necessary sample sizes to ensure that sample statistics reliably estimate corresponding population parameters. As data collection in certain fields faces limitations and periodicity, the study of a priori confidence intervals that do not rely on actual data has become increasingly important. A priori confidence intervals enable researchers to identify a sample size 𝓃 such that the deviation and corresponding probability between the sample statistic and the population parameter fall within a specified range. This approach allows researchers to plan sample sizes before data collection, enhancing the reliability and efficiency of their research. This talk will focus on deriving APP equations for determining required sample sizes and constructing confidence intervals for parameters within the family of skewnormal distributions. Applications using real data sets will be presented to illustrate the main results.

  • Geometry and Topology Seminar, "TBA". Ross Staffeldt, NMSU. 2:00PM – 3:00PM. Zoom and SH 107. Link:
Abstract: TBA



March 28th
Deadline to turn in the Final Exam Form for thesis, dissertation or Professional Doctorate exams:

   Master Thesis
   Doctorate of Philosophy
   Professional Doctorate (Doctorate of Nursing Practice, Doctorate of Economic Development, Doctorate of Education)

Note: This form must be submitted to the Graduate School ( at least 10 business days before the exam is held. The Graduate School will then send out your exam paperwork electronically to your committee chair and deans' representative. All required signatures must be obtained before submitting this form. If this form is not submitted on time, you may need to reschedule your exam.

Important websites/information to refer back to:

NMSU websites for activities / events / streaming services