Summer school at Los Alamos
There are various opportunities for students to attend summer schools in topics ranging from data science, quantum computing, dynamics, and more. They have various deadlines and requirements. Some are for undergrads, some grads, some both. They are pretty generous in terms of paying accommodations and summer support. An excellent opportunity if it is the right area for you. Talk to an advisor if interested.
You should put a general application on Scholar Dollars to be considered for departmental scholarships. Scholar Dollars is the mechanism the university uses to award scholarship money. It is easy to apply.
There are a large number of scholarships offered through various sources. Many are specifically for technology-related fields (which includes math) and for education-related fields (which includes secondary math education). See here for a complete listing.
There are a number of scholarships specifically for our department. For undergraduates, there is a department scholarship fund which gives scholarships each fall. A simple application form is in the office. There is also the Anna Schrufer Kist scholarship for female graduate students, and the Deborah Louise Thomas award for tutors. There is also a new, very generous, Kist fund for awards for graduate students.
Our group in logic and foundations has a 5-year NSF grant that can support 2 graduate students and 5 undergraduate students throughout the calendar year to be part of a Research Training Group in Logic and its Application. Please see here for further details.
There are many opportunities for students to work as tutors in our math tutoring center online and in-person, and as peer learning assistants in special courses designed to help students with preparatory math courses. This can be a little work, or a little bit more. If you like people, this is a great job talking with many different students and helping them. It is a great practical way to gain skills that will be useful in nearly any career and look great on a resume too! Contact the Math Tutoring Center for details.
There are some funds for conferences and so forth. Contact us early so we can show you how to try for matching funds. We are happy to help pay, we are happier if others help pay too! Recently students have been partially supported for meetings as near as El Paso, and as far as Denver and Nice France.
Our faculty is connected with a good number of conferences and REUs located across the US and much of the world. Recent conferences in which our faculty have played major roles have been located in France, Prague, China, Tbilisi, Portugal, California, Denver, Indiana, Albuquerque, and El Paso, among others. The best way to get involved with this is through research with your professors. Get to know your profs!