
Our department has 18 tenure-track faculty, 8 college-track faculty, 2 postdocs, and several visiting professors. We have around 35 graduate students, about evenly split between the master’s and Ph.D. program and about 70 majors. We are currently ranked #117 of math departments in the nation by US News and World Report. It is hard to be sure, but there might not be any smaller departments ranked ahead of us, there certainly aren’t many.
Our faculty conducts research in algebra, applied analysis, differential equations, education, geometry, logic and foundations, probability, and statistics, among others. Please see the research tab for more details. We have a number of active weekly seminars, a colloquium intended for a more general mathematical audience about a dozen times a year, and a good number of visiting scholars.
Classes for our majors are all capped at 40 students, and those after the second year usually have 15-20. Graduate classes typically have 5-12 students. You will get individual attention, know your professors, and know your classmates. It is very nice that way.
Concentrations in the Major (goes after classes)
Majors can obtain a general Math degree or specialize in any of the following areas: Actuarial Mathematics (insurance and finance), Applied Mathematics, Foundations, Secondary Math Education, and Statistics. These match well with another discipline as a second major or minor as well!
Majors can obtain a general Math degree or specialize in any of the following areas: Actuarial Mathematics (insurance and finance), Applied Mathematics, Foundations, Secondary Math Education, and Statistics. These match well with another discipline as a second major or minor as well!
If you want, you will get a chance to teach. Many opportunities exist for undergraduates to help with tutoring in our tutoring center, and as peer learning assistants in lower level classes. Our graduate students routinely run labs, and then run their own courses. It prepares them well for the job market. And of our 17 tenure-track faculty, three have won the university Roush teaching award, a fourth an MAA teaching award, and one just received the university’s highest honor, the Westhafer for contributions to teaching. Several more faculty are overdue.