Logic and Foundations Group

The Logic and Foundations group in the Department of Mathematical Sciences conducts research in the application of algebraic and topological structures to logic and foundational issues.


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John Harding Pat Morandi (Emeritus) Andre Kornell (Postdoc) Joel Lucero-Bryan Ilya Shapirovskiy
At nearby labs and government facilities: Tim Hannan, Alex Pogel.


Current research topics  

  • Ordered algebraic structures, lattices with operators, and their applications to logic
  • Topological and order-topological models of non-classical logics, algebraic aspects of fuzzy logic
  • Orthomodular structures and quantum logic, intuituionistic and modal logics
For more details, see our homepages at John, Pat, Ilya, or our researchgate pages at John, Pat, Ilya.

For prospective graduate students 

We offer a good range of graduate courses in areas of foundations including courses:
Special topics classes are also offered. Foundations is one of the course sequences for our PhD comprehensive exam. We continue to have a fine group of Master’s and PhD students working in various areas of foundations.

Events and Associations



Current PhD Students
Gutierrez-Hougardy, Uzias
He, Jianfeng
Khan, Mashiath
Melzer, Sebastian
Peinado Portillo, Miguel
Raviprakash, Ranjitha
Selgas, Sophia
Sliusarev, Vladislav

Current Masters 
West, Jackson

Points of contact