RTG in Logic and Its Application: Publications and Presentations 



  • J. Harding and A. Kornell, Completely hereditarily atomic OMLs, SSAOS, Stara Lesna, September 2023: Talk I | Talk II
  • J. Harding and A. Kornell, Completely hereditarily atomic OMLs, colloquium talk at Czech Technical University, Prague, August 2023.
  • J. Harding, Subalgebras of orthomodular lattices, Colloquium talk at UTEP, April 2024.
  • J. Harding, Quantum monadic algebras, talk at the ASL annual meeting, Ames IA, May 2024.
  • I. Shapirovsky, On the finite model property of subframe pretransitive logics, talk at the ASL annual meeting, Ames IA, May 2024.